Ramadhan Kareem 2014 (1435h): 1st Ashra of Ramazan Ul Mubarak has been ended. 1st Ashra of Ramazan Kareem which was Rehmat (Blessing) remain till 10th Ramazan Mubark 9th July 2014. 2nd Ashra of Ramazan kareem will be start with 11th Ramazan Mubarak (11th Roza) 10th of July 2014.
This Ashra 2nd Part of Ramazan Kareem is the Ashra of Maghfirat (Forgiveness). All Muslims pray to Allah in this holy month of ramazan ul Mubarak. Here you will find Ramazan kareem 2nd Ashra (Ramazan kareem 2nd Part) 11th ramazan to 20th ramzan dua (Prayer) in Arabic wallpaper. Download and read ramazan kareem 2nd ashra dua in Arabic.