Latest Bakra Eid HD Wallpapers Collection 2024

eid al adha photos, what is eid ul adha, eid al adha pictures, indian festivals, bakrid mubarak, muslim festival eid, eid adha pictures,There are diverse festivals in the Muslim calendar. But Bakriid or Eid-ul-Zuha is one of the most celebrated festivals among Muslims all over the world. It is a day of sacrifice for the Muslims. According to legends. It all started with a dream in which Allah directed the patriarch Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail.

It was Ibrahim’s faith in Allah and his son’s faith in his father that were on test. Before performing the sacrifice Ismail tied a cloth around his father’s eyes. But when Ibrahim opened his eyes he found his son safe and sound.

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In his place lay a dead dumba or ram. It is in honour of this test of faith that Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal on the occasion of Id-ul-azha to show their allegiance, faith and sincerity towards Allah.

In India the Muslims mainly sacrifice the goat, which is why the occasion is spoken of in Urdu as Bakhr or Bakri-Id. The festival is to celebrate the strong faith of those devoted to Islam. we have collected some latest bakra eid funny and Islamic wallpapers. Share them to your friends and enjoy this event…

About Muhammad Yasin

Muhammad Yasin, an experienced content writer with 9 years of experience specializing in education, news, and Graphic designing at

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