Jazz internet Package 3G 4G Daily Weekly Monthly

Jazz is introducing latest 3G data Plan and 4g data plan. cheap Jazz Internet package plans for low balance users. People can activate Jazz net packages to connect with their friends, family members on a different social media platforms like, Facebook, Whatsapp, IMO, Instgramme, Twitter, Linkdin, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumbler and for other browsing in Google, Opera Mini, Mozila Firefox.

Also for Download, watch & listen Videos on youtube and other websites. Below are some net package jazz from which users easily choose the right package. Jazz Youtube Package. Jazz Facebook Package. Jazz Daily Net Package. Jazz Weekly Internet Package. Jazz Monthly Internet Package. Net Package Jazz.

Jazz Net Package Daily Weekly Monthly


Jazz Net Package Code and Detail

Package NamePackage DescriptionPackage AmountPackage ValidityPackage Activation Code
Jazz Daily SocialInternet= 500 MB

(Facebook & Whatsapp Only)

Rs. 7 Incl taxDailySub: *114*5#
Jazz Daily SocialInternet= 200 MB

(Facebook & Whatsapp Only)

Rs. 5.98 Incl tax24 HoursSub: *455#

Auto Sub Next Day

Jazz Daily BrowserInternet= 50 MBRs. 5.98 Incl tax01 DaySub: *117*11#

Status: *117*11*2#

Jazz Daily Net PackageInternet= 100 MB

(1.1 GB is 2 AM-2 PM)

Rs. 24 Incl taxDailySub: *117*4#

Status: *117*04*2#


Weekly Whatsapp and SMSInternet= 25 MB

SMS= 1500

(Facebook & Whatsapp Only)

Rs. 20 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *101*1*07#

Status: *101*02*7#

Unsub: *101*4*07#

Jazz Weekly SocialInternet= 5000 MB

(Imo, Whatsapp, Facebook)

Rs. 60 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *660#

Status: *660*2#

Unsub: *660*4#

Jazz Weekly streamerInternet= 1000 MBRs. 95 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *117*7#

Status: *117*7*2#

Jazz Weekly MegaInternet= 7000 MBRs. 200 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *159#

Status: *159*2#

Jazz Weekly PlusInternet= 12,000 MB

(6 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 210 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *157#

Status: *157*2#

Jazz Weekly Mega PlusInternet= 20,000 MB

(10 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 240 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *453#

Status: *453*2#

Jazz Weekly PremiumInternet= 3000 MBRs. 140 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *117*47#

Status: *117*47*2#

Jazz Weekly Youtube OfferInternet= 5000 MB

(Youtube Only)

Rs. 80 Incl tax07 DaysSub: *570#

Status: *570*2#

Unsub: *570*4#

Jazz Monthly BrowserInternet= 4 GB

(2 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 215 Incl tax30 DaysSub: *117*77#

Status: *117*77*2#

Jazz Monthly MegaInternet= 8 GB

(4 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 375 Incl tax30 DaysSub: *117*31#

Status: *117*31*2#

Jazz Monthly Mega PlusInternet= 12 GB

(6 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 600 Incl tax30 DaysSub: *117*30#

Status: *117*30*2#

Jazz Monthly SupremeInternet= 20 GB

(10 GB is 2AM-2PM)

Rs. 885 Incl tax30 DaysSub: *117*32#

Status: *117*32*2#


See also  Zong SMS & Whatsapp Daily Bundle Weekly Offer Monthly Package

About Muhammad Yasin

Muhammad Yasin, an experienced content writer with 9 years of experience specializing in education, news, and Graphic designing at pakword.com

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