In this article you will find easy way to make bootable window 7 in USB flash drive. You must follow these instructions to make USB flash drive (bootable) window 7. Make bootable USB flash for window 7. You can install your window now without CD/DVD window. USB flash drive is a simple way to install window 7.
Please take these instructions to make bootable window 7 USB flash drive.
1st Step: Download rufus on your computer and run it.
2nd Step: Plug in your USB flash drive into your computer.
3rd Setp: From Rufu’s settings, Choose NTFS as the file system.
4th Step: Check” Quick format” and ” Create extended label and icon files ”
5th Step: Check ” Create a bootable disk using” and click the drive icon beside it to select the windows 7 ISO file .
6th Step: Now click on start to create a bootable window 7 USB flash drive.